Conservation – An Indian Bureaucrat's Diary Share the life time experiences of a retired Indian Bureaucrat relating to travel and nature Sat, 16 Mar 2013 19:27:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Terrarium set up your own Wed, 22 Feb 2012 16:01:04 +0000 Read more ›]]> Terrariums are beautiful. Terrariums are elegant. And they have played a very important role in our daily lives.
And you can set up a simple inexpensive one like the one in this article.

If you are interested… can contact me for more details.

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Butterfly Parks of India Wed, 04 Jan 2012 23:34:44 +0000 Read more ›]]> Butterfly Parks of  India  

Butterflies are so beautiful that I find it difficult to refer to them as insects, but they are insects.

They are attractive and graceful. Vivid and multi coloured – representing nature’s canvas at its finest. The restless butterflies make a fascinating sight flittering around in gardens and parks, hovering over plants, landing on the flowers for a few sips of nectar, before taking off.
Metamorphosis – one of most remarkable phenomenon of nature 

Metamorphosis – the transformation from egg to larva, larva to cocoon, from which emerges a beautiful butterfly – is one of most remarkable phenomenon of nature.

Metamorphosis involves four stages:

  • Egg: The female butterfly lays eggs on the underside of specific plants so that when caterpillars later emerge from the eggs, they can immediately get food from the plant leaves.
  • Larva: Also called caterpillar, emerge from the eggs after a few days. The caterpillar is a eating machine and spends most of its time eating.
  • Pupa: When the caterpillar has finished growing, it stops eating and forms a protective shield called Pupa. Most of the magical transformation into a butterfly takes place inside the Pupa.
  • Butterfly: The pupa undergoes transformation and the caterpillar metamorphoses into a butterfly which emerges from the pupa.

The adult butterfly later mates and lays eggs on plants and the cycle starts all over again.
You can see the video of a butterfly metamorphosis at any of the following sites:

Butterfly Facts

  • There are 1,500,000 insect species in the world.
  • Of these, 200,000 species are of Lepidoptera (the group to which moths and butterflies belong).
  • 17, 050 of these species are butterflies and the rest are moths!
  • Of the17, 050 species world wide, India has 1501 species of butterflies
  • The life cycle of a butterfly is extremely short – mere 30 to 40 days.

Butterfly Parks

All over the world, butterflies have suffered extensive damage due to habitat destruction – urbanisation, felling of trees, construction, etc.
In many areas, they have been almost exterminated.

Butterfly parks have been set up in several countries ….to conserve them, to breed them, to allow visitors to see them and to conduct research.
There are quite a few well maintained butterfly parks in different countries of south-east Asia which display quite a large selection of different species.
But unknown to most of us, there are a few good butterfly parks in India, too.

India’s First Butterfly Park – Butterfly Park, Bangalore

India’s first Butterfly Park was opened on November 25, 2006 in Bangalore to promote butterfly ecotourism.

The Butterfly Park, near the Bannerghatta Zoo, cost Rs 50 millions and covers an area of over 7.5 acres.

The centre of attraction is the 10,000 sq. feet circular Conservatory with polycarbonate roof which has on display more than 20 species of butterflies.

The next dome houses a museum. Here you learn about the 4 stages of lifecycle of the butterfly – the egg, larva or caterpillar, pupa or chrysalis, and the adult.
You learn about different species of butterflies – from the smallest Eastern Pygmy Blue, Brephidium isophthalma with a wingspan of about 5/8 of an inch to large Bird-Wing butterflies from New Guinea, with wingspans of up to 12 inches.

The third and last dome is a theatre where you can watch a 20 minute movie about butterflies. Besides giving information about butterflies, the movie focuses on conservation. The movie explains how the fate of man and butterflies are interlinked and conservation of the environment is in our mutual interest.

The Butterfly Park also has an artificial waterfall. It is quite well maintained and has become a popular week end attraction amongst localites.

India’s Second Butterfly Park – Butterfly Park, Shimla



India’s second Butterfly Park was established at Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. It cost Rs. 60 millions and spreads over an area of 10 acres.

Himachal Pradesh has more than 300 species of butterflies. The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) found 14 species of butterflies in the cold deserts of Lahaul and Spiti district.

The Butterfly Park which includes a conservatory, a museum and a nature park has a larger collection of butterflies.

Butterfly Park in Pune


The Butterfly Park in Pune was inaugurated by actress Dimple Kapadia on Women’s Day – March 8, 2011.

The Pune Municipal Corporation funded the park with Rs. 50 million. The Park covers an area of two acres. The project has transformed a dirty drain into a beautiful park.

The Butterfly Park has about 80 species of butterflies. It also has a rock garden, waterfalls and a jogging track.

Butterfly Park in Chandigarh

The Environment Society of India inaugurated a Butterfly Park at the Commonwealth Youth Programme Asia Centre in Sector 26 of Chandigarh on Biodiversity Day – 23 May 2011.

The Park costing Rs. 70 lakh covers an area of 7.5 acres.

India’s first Open-air Butterfly Park in Sikkim

India’s first Open-air Butterfly Park was established at Rangrang, Sikkim. It cost Rs. 60 millions and extends over an area of 14 acres

Some nature lovers have started their own private Butterfly Parks.

Butterfly Conservatory of Goa, Rajnagar, Pisgal – Priol, Ponda, Goa.

The Butterfly Conservatory of Goa. situated in Ponda , the Spice and temple town is quite good

This private Butterfly Park is spread over 4000 square metres.  A few common people, without too much money and resources, got together and have converted the place, which was once barren and without any natural source of water, into a beautiful park with streams, endemic plants and a lot of butterflies. If you go to Goa, you must visit this Butterfly Park.

 Ovalekar Butterfly Farm at Wadi, Thane

Closer to Mumbai, Rajendra Ovalekar, started a Butterfly Park on his own 2 acres of land at Ovalekar Wadi, off Ghodbunder Road, in Thane (near Mumbai).

This small place has about 100 different species of butterflies. And Ovalekar personally escorts you around the place and explains to you all about butterflies.
Very few people in Mumbai even know about this Butterfly Park.

Protecting our Butterflies

A total of 450 species of butterflies have been given protection under The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972;
128 species under  Schedule-I,

303 species under Schedule- II and

19 species under Schedules- IV.
Butterflies have also been given protection under the Biodiversity Act of 2002.

Commercial Butterfly farming

Commercial Butterfly Farming has been adopted as a viable occupation in several countries. In India, too, Butterfly Farming can help the rural people play an active role in the conservation of butterflies as well as help them earn some good money.

Bombay Natural History Society in Mumbai

The Bombay Natural History Society, founded on 15 September 1883, is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in India engaged in conservation and biodiversity research.

It is also doing a lot of work in relation to butterflies. Its museum has a huge collection of 25,000 butterflies collected over the years. It conducts regular programmes like Breakfast with Butterflies and Butterfly watch camps allowing any one to see and learn about butterflies.
It also conducts distance learning courses in Basic Entomology.

Butterfly Migration


Many animals, birds and other animals migrate….sometimes over long distances. Butterflies also migrate.

A few, like the Monarch Butterfly, migrate long distances. There are no other insects in the world that migrate twice each year for close to 3,000 miles.

But the there is one difference between the migration of butterflies and the other animals. The butterflies who migrate, because of their short life spans, do not live to return to the originating place.
They perish. Only their off springs return. What guides the off springs to the same locations?
Well, this is one of Nature’s unsolved riddles.

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Vanishing Vultures Thu, 10 Nov 2011 16:01:06 +0000 Read more ›]]>  

Vanishing Vultures 

Nature’s Scavengers



Perhaps you have noticed that at present there are considerably less vultures in our skies than there were a few years back.

In the early eighties, there were about 40 million vultures in India. The Oriental white-backed vulture was so abundant in India, that it was probably the most common large bird of prey in the world.
The vulture population has declined…….. by more than 97%……. in the last few years and their numbers are decreasing at an alarming rate.

Vultures endangered

Of the nine species of vultures found in India, three species – the white-backed, long-billed and slender-billed vultures have been categorised by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature as critically endangered.
These three species are also listed in Schedule I species in the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, along with the tiger and one-horned rhino.

A survey by the Bombay Natural History Society in 2007 estimated that there were about:

  • 1000 slender-billed vultures,
  • 11,000 white-backed vultures, and
  • 44,000 long-billed vultures in the country.

Reasons for the decline

The main reasons for the decline in vulture population in the entire South and Southeast Asia are:

  • Rapid urbanization which has caused habitat destruction – felling of the high-rise trees, where the vultures nest;
  • Aeroplanes and other moving objects in the sky;
  • Electric power lines;
  • Rampant use of pesticides like DDT, and to a great extent diclofenac.


Many experts believe that the drug diclofenac is the main culprit for the decline of vultures in India.
India introduced the diclofenac in 1993. The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) has been campaigning against diclofenac since 2003 because diclofenac, which is used to treat cattle, is toxic to any vulture that feeds on the carcass of recently treated cattle.

In 2006, the Government of India banned the manufacture and import of diclofenac – but only for veterinary purposes. Nepal and Pakistan followed the ban.

In 2008, the Government of India placed more stringent restrictions on diclofenac for animal use, making contravention punishable with imprisonment.

But diclofenac, which continues to be legally used and sold for humans, is available across the counter in most medicine shops, and is illegally used for animals.

Dr. Vibhu Prakash, the principal scientist for the vulture conservation breeding programme at BNHS, Mumbai found that, over 75% of vultures which were discovered dead or died of visceral gout had diclofenac in their tissues. 

The Indian Veterinary Research Institute also conducted tests and detected heavy content of diclofenac, in samples of dead vultures.

Diet of the vultures

Vultures usually feed on carcasses of livestock and wildlife.
They do not hunt living animals, though sometimes, they attack and  kill wounded or sick animals.

A mature vulture eats almost half a kg meat everyday. Vultures detect dead animals faster than any other animal, and follow migrating predators and other large animals feeding on the dead and help in keeping the environment clean.

Captive Breeding

The BNHS advocated the captive breeding of vultures as the only viable option to save the creatures

“By bringing some vultures in captivity, the life of these vultures is saved and once they start breeding, they would augment their population. The vultures will be released back in the wild once we are sure that there is no diclofenac available in system,”

The Govt. of India permitted BNHS to run three vulture conservation breeding centres at Pinjore of Haryana, Rajabhatkhawa of West Bengal and Rani of Assam. BNHS is supported by a number of international organizations like the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (UK), Zoological Society of London , Peregrine Fund (US), and the newly-formed consortium Saving Asia’s Vultures from Extinction (SAVE).
(There are conservation breeding centres linked to the SAVE programme also in Nepal and Pakistan.)

The three conservation breeding centres in India have 271 vultures. And they have successfully bred of all the three endangered species.

2011 has been the most successful year for the Indian captive breeding centres.
The number of fledged chicks is almost double than last year’s.
Eighteen vulture chicks were successfully reared, 15 at the Pinjore centre in Haryana, and the remaining three at Rajabhat Khawa in West Bengal.

Four fledged birds were a direct result of ‘double clutches’: some pairs produced a second egg after the first was removed, hatched in incubators and reared by BNHS staff.

Some experts are against captive breeding of vultures. But the three breeding centres are making very good progress.

An exclusive sanctuary for the Vultures

The Tamil Nadu Government is now examining a proposal  to set up a home for vultures in the Sigur Plateau in the Nilgiris. This would be the first of its kind in the country.

Why should we be concerned about vultures


About a year back, I saw a large group of vultures flying over the Fort in Jodhpur. Someone explained that this place was one of the biggest nesting and breeding places of these vultures.

Why should we be concerned about vultures?
For one, they are nature’s scavengers.
There are other scavengers, but they are not as efficient as the vultures.  The vultures are usually the first to detect dead carcasses and others follow them. Besides  they carry a host of diseases like rabies, which can easily be transmitted to humans.

Love them or hate them, vultures are uniquely adapted scavengers and their loss would have numerous negative repercussions for other species inhabiting our planet, including us.

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Munnar – a cuppa of British Tea Sun, 12 Jun 2011 18:22:27 +0000 Read more ›]]> Kashmir of South India

Manicured Tea Gardens

I had heard a lot about Munnar, the beautiful hill station in South India.
And although I had visited places very close to Munnar, such as Theni (Tamil Nadu) – only about an hour’s drive from Munnar – due to shortage of time, I could not visit the place.

So, in early 2011, I decided to visit Munnar,

Munnar is a wonderful getaway in Kerala, nestling at an altitude of 1,829 metres, amidst luscious tea and coffee plantations, hills, valleys, lakes, waterfalls, forests, exhilarating walks, birds and animals. It is nicknamed the Kashmir of South India.
I booked a small suite in one of the finest resorts there. My RCI membership comes in handy on such occasions. I had to pay only nominal charges. I also booked return flights from Mumbai to Kochi three months in advance. So those too were cheap.

A two hour drive (120 kms) from Kochi airport took me into the heart of tea country. I was passing through beautiful tea gardens on all sides.


I recently read an article that tea drinking originated in India. Much as I would love to believe this,  this is not true.
Tea drinking originated in China almost 4750 years ago. It was known there as Ch’a. The word has been copied by India, Japan, Russia, Iran and the Middle East.

In A.D. 780, the Chinese tea expert Lu Yu published the first exclusive book on tea ‘Ch’a Ching’ meaning ‘Tea classic’. In this book, he has described various kinds of tea, their cultivation and manufacturing in China.
Though we had indigenous tea plants in India, commercial cultivation of tea entered India much later. In 1834, Lord William Bentinck, then Governor General of British India, appointed a Tea Committee to advise him on the feasibility of commercial tea cultivation in India. The first experimental samples of tea from indigenous tea plants were sent to Calcutta in 1836.
The rest is history.

Today, India is the world’s second largest producer (India was number one, but China overtook India to become the number one). And we have all kinds of tea….from the good old time tested orthodox “Britisher’s….cuppa tea” to all kinds of delicately flavoured exotic concoctions.

History of Munnar and its tea plantations

Munnar was discovered by John Daniel Manro, a British lawyer and planter, in the 1870s, when he visited the area on a hunting expedition. He immediately recognised the agricultural potential of the region.

In July 1877, Manro leased 581.12 sq kms (125,000 acres) of land from the Raja of Poonjar and formed a co-operative society called ‘North Travancore Land Planting and Agricultural Society’. The members of the society started farming coffee, sisal and cardamom.
Another European, A.H. Sharp, experimented with different crops such as coffee, cinchona, sisal and cardamom and concluded that the area was best suited for tea. He started tea plantations. Over the years, more and more tea plantations grew up.

In 1964, the Tata Group entered Munnar.  By 1980s, Tata Tea Ltd. had acquired most of the tea plantations to become the second largest integrated tea manufacturing facility in the world.

On 1st April 2005, Tata Tea Ltd. exited most of its plantations in Munnar and were succeeded by Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company Private Limited which now owns 7 extensive gardens covering 24,000 hectares, with an annual production of 21 million kgs of tea.
An interesting feature of this company is that its 12,000 plus employees are its shareholders.

What to see

There are a number of places in and around Munnar which you can visit. During the rains, the place becomes a fairyland enveloped in fog and mist andfull of cascading waterfalls.

But where ever you go, when ever you go, you will see beautifully manicured tea gardens. Left to nature, the tea plants grow quite tall. But for tea cultivation, they have to be continuously cut to 1 metre or so to encourage the growth of new shoots. The fresh tea shoots are pinched or clipped every three or four days from which tea is made.

The tangled leftovers of dead tea plants make wonderful show pieces. They are dried, sand papered and given a coat of varnish. You can put a sheet of glass on them and use them as beautiful ornamental tables.

Tea Museum  (2 kms from Munnar)

The Kanan Devan Hills Plantations Company Private Limited maintains India’s first tea museum which is a must visit site for all visitors.
Here, you can learn about the growth of the tea industry – from the simple tea roller to the present fully automated tea factory of Madupatty.
You can learn about various aspects of tea processing and the operations that go into the making of black tea. You can also do some tea tasting.

You can see old-time bungalow furniture, iron safe, magneto phone, wooden bathtub, iron oven that used firewood, etc., and antique office equipments such as antiquated typewriters and PBX.
The museum has an iron-age burial urn from the 2nd century B.C. exhumed in the 1970s.

Near the entrance of the museum is a granite sundial, made in 1913 by the Art Industrial School at Nazareth in Tamil Nadu.

Mattupetty (13 kms from Munnar)

The Mattupetty lake and dam are situated at a height of 1700 mts. You can do some boating here.
You can visit the Indo-swiss dairy farm, which is close by. It has over 100 varieties of high yielding cattle.
Eravikulam National Park (15 km from Munnar)

There are other national parks around Munnar,  but the 97 sq. kms. Eravikulam National Park is the home of the endangered Nilgiri Tahr, a rare mountain goat. Originally established to protect the Nilgiri Tahr, the Park was declared a sanctuary in 1975. Its status was elevated to National Park in 1978.
The total number of Niligiri Tahrs here is estimated to be over 1300 – about half the world’s population.

The park is breathtakingly beautiful. The Anamudi peak (2695 mts), the highest peak in South India, is located in the Southern region of the park.
If you have the time and inclination, you can walk up to the top.

Marayoor (40 kms from Munnar)

Marayoor is the only place in Kerala that has a natural growth of sandalwood trees.
I visited the sandalwood factory of the forest department, the caves (muniyaras) with murals and relics from the New stone age civilization and the children’s park spread across a hectare of land under the canopy of a single banyan tree.
You can also visit the Thoovanam waterfalls and Rajiv Gandhi National Park nearby.


You can see muniyaras (caves) dating back to the New Stone Age near Kovilkadavu village. These caves contain rock paintings of great archaeological importance.
But what was more interesting for me were the dolmens, or old burial chambers, consisting of four erect stones covered by a horizontal capstone.

Neelakurunji flowers

You can also see the beautiful Neelakurunji flowers here, but there is only one hitch. The spectacular blue blooms cover the entire mountainside.
But they flower once in 12 years and the next flowering will take place in 2018.
So you will have to wait for another 7 years.

Reaching There

 The nearest airport is Kochi.
Kochi also has a railway station and is well connected by road also.
You can see a map of the place and get other information from the
following site:

Summer Resort

The word Munnar is derived from the Tamil words moon – aar meaning three rivers because Munnar is located at the confluence of three rivers – Mudrapuzha, Nallathani and Kundala.
The most appropriate description of Munnar would be tea country. But it is much more than that.

The Britishers of South India had made Munnar their summer resort.

And it really rains during the monsoons. The rains here are 2nd only to Cherrapunji in Assam.

You will surely fall in love with the place during the rains.



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King Cobra and the PIL Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:57:25 +0000 Read more ›]]> Indian Express February 11, 2010

Today, I was pleasantly surprised to read a news article about a Public Interest Litigation involving a snake….a king cobra…… to be precise.

The report said a 16 feet king cobra was rescued from a monk and is under the care of Solapur Municipal Corporation. More about this later…..

The news transported me back in time …..more than four decades back ….to 1968.
I was then a probationer in the National Academy of Direct Taxes in Nagpur where new entrants to the Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) are trained to become what they finally become.

Being an animal lover from early childhood, I purchased a baby python from a local snake charmer. Till that day, I never knew humans are so scared of snakes. The result was that on the third day, I was directed to dispose off the baby python or get out.

I went to the local Maharajbagh Zoo and managed to meet the acting Director. I offered to donate my baby python. But he was averse to taking anything as donation. I requested him to keep my baby python for a few months. I would pay for the upkeep and take back the baby python later. But this was completely ruled out.

I then went to his boss…a senior professor. He called the acting Director and asked him whether the zoo had too many pythons.  No…that was not the case. The zoo had two pythons earlier and both had died. So there was a clear vacancy. The senior professor almost forced him to accept the baby python.

I wanted a receipt for my baby python. The acting Director refused. I suppose he had had too much of me.
Again, I went to his boss…the senior professor. He called the acting Director and asked him why he could not issue a receipt and how he would account for the baby python in the zoo’s inventory. The acting Director said they would show it as found while digging the ground. The senior professor convinced the acting Director that pythons are not recovered while digging and finally I got my receipt.

I later found that the acting Director was from the University’s Botany department. That explains his apathy to animals.

Today’s news is mentally stunning. The Public Interest Litigation application wants the High Court to order the king cobra to be released in the wild.

A division bench of Justices J N Patel and B R Gawai of the Bombay High Court has called for report from the Central Zoo Authority and the Solapur Municipal Corporation.

I am sure there are enough wild life experts and government departments who could have taken a well reasoned decision in the king cobra’s interest and done for him (or may be her) what was best and given better facilities in some good zoo.

I really find it difficult to understand how this issue could become a matter of public interest litigation when our courts are almost choked with cases.

I would have probably understood the situation better if the issue involved a community or group of king cobras. But this case involves a single king cobra!

Of course, some things are better left unexplained, because there is no rhyme or reason or logic.

Incidentally, the king cobra is one of the five most venomous snakes of India. It is found in dense forests and the chances of sighting it in the wild are rather rare.

The Government has already established a special reserve for king cobras in Agumbe (about 90 kms. from Shimoga) in Karnataka.
The king cobra, which is the subject matter of the Public Interest Litigation, can be relocated to the Rani Bagh Zoo, in Mumbai; Sanjay Gandhi National Park or can be easily sent to Agumbe – even without the High Court’s intervention.

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Flamingoes in Mumbai – December 2009 Sun, 27 Dec 2009 16:08:52 +0000 Read more ›]]>
After the monsoons, Flamingoes – the lesser and the greater ones – and a lot of other migratory birds come to the coastal mudflats of India from the North.
They feed on the mudflats during the next five or six months and return to their homelands in April or so.

They also come to Sewree in Central Mumbai in large numbers. Sewree is hardly four kilometres from my residence.
But I never saw these birds in the mudflats there.

Call it a Christmas determination or whatever, on the 27th December 2009, I decided to see the flamingoes. We made phone to different people to learn about the tides, how to reach the best location to see the birds and whatever we could learn.

Its simple.  You have to go to Sewree Station. You have to cross the gate (phatak) which takes you to the eastern side of the station.  Ask any one for the Sewree Jetty (or Indian Oil Corporation) or Sewree Khari (Sewree Bay). It is less than a kilometre away.  We reached the jetty in no time.

You should go there when the tide is low.
What a scene it was! I could not count the birds. But there were more than 15,000 flamingoes all around. The younger ones had a blackish colouration and moved around in small groups of their own. There were a lot of other birds.

At the jetty, we clambered up the iron ladder on to a large ship which was undergoing repairs.
(Of course, we first asked for and took permission from the first person we sighted on the ship.)I am attaching some of the photographs.
I am giving the web site from where you can see the tide table for any day.
I am not reproducing my earlier article on flamingoes. I am giving its link.
Read it if you like. And oh, like any other writer I would love to have your views and comments.
Binoy GuptaEmail:,  eleena100@hotmail.comWebsite of the Mumbai Port Trust:
Link to my earlier article on flamingoes:

Sewree - On the Ship
 What a Scene Baby Flamingoes  
Flamingo in Flight
Sewree.  On the ShipThe Jetty at Sewree

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Indian Cheetah Mon, 27 Jul 2009 15:12:21 +0000 Read more ›]]> Reintroduction in India

The  Cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth.
The word “cheetah” is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘chitraka’, meaning “speckled”.

Asiatic Cheetah

Once upon a time, the Asiatic Cheetah (a different sub specie from its African cousin) was quite common and  roamed all the way from Arabia to Iran, Afghanistan and India. The Asiatic Cheetah was also known as the hunting leopard, and were kept by kings and princes to hunt gazelle.
The Moghul Emperor Akbar is believed to have kept 1000 cheetahs.
Decimation of the Asiatic Cheetah

At the turn of the 20th century, there were several thousands of the Asiatic Cheetah in India.
But they were indiscriminately hunted.
The last three wild cheetahs in India were shot by the Maharajah of Surguja in eastern Madhya Pradesh in 1947.

After that, there remained a few cheetahs in different zoos of India.
But all of them died.
Since then, 35 cheetahs have been brought to India.
All of them died due to improper care and diseases in 6 different zoos – Hyderabad, Delhi, Kanpur, Calcutta, Trivandrum and Mysore.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals has listed the Asiatic Cheetah as ‘critically endangered’.
Only 75 to 100 remain in the wild – confined to Iran’s Kavir desert – with a few being sighted in south-west Pakistan.

Reintroduction of the Cheetah 

We hear so much of animal species being wiped out, that reintroduction of a species is wonderful news.
We may be able to see the Asiatic Cheetah once again in our forests.
The Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), has drawn up a detailed plan to reintroduce the cheetah.
It has identified several locations it considers suitable habitats.

Cheetah from Numibia

The Government of India approached Iran for a pair of cheetahs.
Iran agreed to give a pair in exchange of a pair of wild lions.
But Gujarat refused to give the two lions from the Gir Sanctuary.

The Government of India then approached Namibia and Namibia agreed to give a pair of cheetahs to India.
But the Namibian cheetah is a different sub-species from the Asiatic cheetah, and scientists warn that no translocation should be done without proper studies.  

Final decision to be taken in September 2009

An international conference of experts from Africa and Europe will be held in September 2009 to move the project forward.
If the plan is cleared, the pair of Numibian cheetahs are likely to be translocated to Rajasthan.

A final decision will be taken by the Government of India after the expert meeting.
However, scientists want a very cautious approach because what is being reintroduced from Numibia are not the the Asiatic Cheetah but a different sub-species.  

We may soon see the Cheetah in our forests

As things are moving in the right direction, I am sure Cheetah will soon be reintroduced in our forests.  

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Travel India Whale Sharks Mon, 11 Aug 2008 02:20:20 +0000 Read more ›]]>
Travel India Whale Shark Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, U.S.
Whale Sharks

“Whale Sharks are the largest fish in the sea, and yet, we know the least about them,” Jeff Swanagan, Executive Director and President, declared shortly after the opening of the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta, U.S.

Seeing a Whale Shark in the ocean is very rare.
Even well-known oceanographers such as Dr. Sylvia Earle and Philippe Cousteau did not see their first Whale Shark until coming to an aquarium.

Whale Sharks frequently enter the coastal waters around India.
A few are washed ashore.
Nature lovers try to push them back to deeper waters.

Fortunately for us, today, most of the larger public aquariums display Whale Sharks.

Believed to have originated about 60 million years ago, the Whale Shark, Rhincodon typus, is the largest living fish in the world.

The Whale Shark was first identified in April 1828 following the harpooning of a 4.6  metres  (15.1 feet) specimen in Table Bay, South Africa.
It was described the next year by Andrew Smith, a military doctor with the British troops in Cape Town.
He published a more detailed description of the Whale Shark in 1849.
The name ” Whale Shark ” comes from the fish’s physiology.
It is actually a shark, as large as a
whale, and filter feeds in the same way as whales do.It can grow up to 12.2 metres (40 feet) in length and can weigh up to 13.6 metric tons.

Travel India Whale Shark and Diver
The largest accurately recorded specimen was caught on November 11, 1947, near the island of Baba, near Karachi, Pakistan.
It was 12.65 metres (41.50 feet) long, weighed more than 21.5 
tons (47,300 lb), and had a girth of 7 metres (23.0 feet).

Distribution and habitat

The Whale Shark is found in open waters in tropical and warm-temperate oceans around the world.
Its range is restricted to about ± 30 ° latitude.
It is found to a depth of 700 metres (2,300 ft).
It is usually solitary.
Males range over longer distances than females.

Seasonal feeding congregations of the Whale Sharks occur at several coastal sites such as Ningaloo Reef (Western Australia); Útila  (Honduras); Donsol and Batangas (Philippines); off Isla Mujeres and Isla Holbox (Yucatan Mexico); and the Tanzanian islands (Pemba and Zanzibar).

Description and Feeding

The Whale Shark is a
filter feeder.
It has a huge mouth which can open up to 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) wide and contains between 300 and 350 rows of tiny teeth.
It has five large pairs of
The two small eyes are located towards the front of the shark’s wide, flat head.

The body is mostly grey with a white belly.
Three prominent ridges run along each side of the Whale Shark and the skin is marked with a “checkerboard” of pale yellow spots and stripes.
These spots are unique to each whale shark and are used to identify each animal.

The skin can be up to 10 centimetres (3.9 inches) thick.

The Whale Shark is not an efficient swimmer and uses its entire body for swimming, reducing its speed to an average of around 5 kilometres per hour (3.1 mph).


The Whale Shark is a filter feeder — one of only three known filter feeding shark species (the other two are the basking shark and the megamouth shark).

It feeds on phytoplankton, macro-algae, plankton, krill, small fish and small nektonic life, such as small squid or vertebrates.
The rows of tiny teeth play no role in feeding.

The shark sucks in a mouthful of water, closes its mouth and expels the water through its gills. The plankton and other food material is trapped inside and swallowed.

The Whale Shark and Divers

The Whale Sharks are quite gentle and allow divers to play with them.

Divers and snorkellers can swim with them and even touch them without any risk apart from unintentionally being struck by the shark’s large tail fin.

The shark is often seen by divers in The Bay Islands in Honduras, Thailand, the Philippines, the Maldives, the Red Sea, Western Australia (Ningaloo Reef and Christmas Island), Gladden Spit Marine Reserve in Belize, Tofo Beach in Mozambique, Sodwana Bay (Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park) in South Africa and at the Galapagos Islands.

The highest concentration of Whale Sharks to be found anywhere in the world is in the Philippines. From January to May, they congregate in the shallow coastal waters of Sorsogon province (at Donsol).

Recently 150 Whale Sharks have been tagged and identified off the coast off Hol Box Island, Mexico. The island is located north of Cancun in the Gulf of Mexico. They visit the island from June through August and more have been identified every year.

Tour guides can organise swimming with these enormous creatures.


The reproductive habits of the Whale Sharks are obscure.
It was earlier believed to be oviparous, but the capture of a female in July 1996 which was pregnant with 300 pups proved that they are ovoviviparous.

The eggs remain in the body and the females give birth to live young which are 40 centimetres (15.7 in) to 60 centimetres (23.6 in) long.
It is believed that they reach sexual maturity at around 30 years and live to over 100 years.

 Conservation status

The Whale Sharks are captured by artisanal and commercial fisheries in several areas where they seasonally aggregate.
However, they are not endangered.
IUCN has classified them as vulnerable.

Fishing, selling, importing and exporting of Whale Sharks for commercial purposes has been banned in the Philippines in 1998; in India in May 2001; and  by Taiwan in May 2007.

Whale Sharks in India

Around 1,200 Whale Sharks migrate from East Africa to the Gujarat coast in the Indian Ocean for breeding every year.
They were indiscriminately slaughtered by fishermen in the coastal areas of in Gujarat.
About one thousand were slaughtered by Gujarat’s fishermen between 1990- 2001, who killed them for their oil, fins and meat. These fetched high prices in the international market.
However, since 2005, the fishermen themselves have rescued nine of these huge creatures of the sea.

This has been possible through ‘Save the Whale Shark’ – a joint awareness campaign, conducted by the Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), the International Fund for Animal Welfare, Tata Chemicals and the Gujarat government since 2004.

Watching the magnificent creatures is a unique experience.
India is doing a wonderful job protecting and saving them.

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Travel India Jogeshwari Caves Sun, 27 Jul 2008 14:40:09 +0000 Read more ›]]>
Jogeshwari Caves in Mumbai

Jogeshwari Caves, dating back to 520 to 550 AD, are some of the earliest Hindu cave temple sculptures located off the Western Express Highway in Jogeshwari (East) in northern Mumbai (Bombay).
They are a 45-minute journey from Church Gate Station by train and a further 3 kms. by road from Jogeshwari Station.

The caves are accessed through a long flight of stairs leading to the main hall.
The cave temple has a huge central hall, with many pillars.
At the end of the hall are a Shrine and a Shivalinga.
Idols of Dattatreya, Hanuman, Devi Mata, Jogeshwari and an orange Ganesh line the walls.
There are also relics of two doormen.

Unfortunately, the caves are surrounded by encroachments – huts and all kinds of dwellings.
The caves are classified as endangered.
Sewage and waste enter the premises.
The caves are also infested with bats.
The boundary walls of the cave temple have disintegrated.


Bombay High Court to the rescue

In October 2007, Janhit Manch, a NGO (Non Government Organisation) filed a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) requesting the Bombay High Court to order removal of encroachments around four caves around Mumbai – Jogeshwari, Mahakali, Mandapeshwar and Kanheri caves.

The Bombay High Court appointed Shiraz Rustomji, Advocate as Amicus Curie (friend of the court).
The Bombay High Court sought a report from a court-appointed committee spelling out minimum intervention measures to rid the heritage monuments of illegal infringement.

As directed by the Bombay High Court, the ASI (Archaeological Survey of India) carried out survey of the four caves and informed the court that there were 750 illegal encroachments around the caves in Jogeshwari.

Shiraz Rustomji informed the court that the encroachments were not just within the barred 100-metre radius of the caves, but were also on the monument itself.
He further told the court that in the committee report submitted to the court, the ASI had suggested removal of encroachments between 17-40 metres from the site.

The BMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) told the court that none of these structures had obtained a construction certificate from the corporation, but they have been standing for a long period of time.
On 23 July 2008, Justices JN Patel and KK Tated of the Bombay High Court  asked the ASI, State Government and the BMC to present an action plan for removal of encroachments from the area around Jogeshwari caves, a heritage site.

They accepted all the suggestions made in the committee report and sought a check on the state government’s rehabilitation policy for the encroachers.

My recommendation

The encroachments around Jogeshwari Caves will be removed soon.
The ASI will provide security personnel.
Once more, the caves will attract more tourists.

Encroachments are the bane of most of our caves and important historical sites.
A 1992 notification prohibits any construction in the prohibited zone of 100 metres around ancient monuments, while a further 200 metres is designated as ‘regulated zone’, where development is permitted only after the ASI’s approval.

But we have come to such a sorry state of administrative inefficiency that Government bodies need court orders to goad them in to discharging their duty.

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Travel India Kanheri Caves Sat, 19 Jul 2008 04:03:39 +0000 Read more ›]]>  
When we think of caves, we visualize locations in inaccessible places hidden amidst deep forests.
Travel India.Kanheri Caves.Main Vihara
Some caves were carved out in inaccessible places because of fear of prosecution by kings and rulers of different faiths, or due to the desire to remain far away from society, but many were situated on the ancient trade routes and served as halting places for traders and other travellers.

There are some beautiful, ancient, little known caves – Kanheri Caves – about an hour’s drive from Mumbai.
But as the old saying goes ‘there is shadow beneath the lamp’, most Mumbaites do not even know about this place.


The Name

The word Kanheri comes from two Sanskrit words   Kanha meaning Krishna and Giri meaning mountains.


The Kanheri Caves are situated on a hill, 42 kms north of Mumbai in Boriveli, deep inside the Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

Travel India.Kanheri Caves.Another Vihhara
Buddhist caves consist of two main types of structures:Chaityagrahas, or places of worship; and
Viharas, or monasteries, single and multiple celled residences of the Buddhist monks.
There are 109 caves in Kanheri dating from the 1st century BC to 9th Century AD, each connected with a flight of steps.
They were chiseled out of a massive outcrop of basaltic rock.
Most of the caves in Kanheri are Viharas meant for living, study, and meditation.Travel India.Kanheri Caves.Steps
The larger caves are Chaityagrahas, or halls for worship.
Many of these are lined with intricately carved Buddhist sculptures, reliefs and pillars, and contain rock-cut stupas for congregational worship.
Unlike the caves of Elephanta, most of the caves are spartan and unadorned.

Sculptural art can be seen in Caves like 2, 3, 41, 67, 89, 90, etc.  
Kanheri has the largest number of cave excavations in a single hill.

Important Caves

The most important Cave is Cave No. 3 built during the 6th century.
This has the last of the excavated Chaityagrahas of the Hinayana Order.
This Cave has 34 pillars and is like a colonnaded hall – 28 mtrs x13 mtrs in dimension.
Inside is a 5 mtrs high Dagoba, or stupa, and carvings depicting elephants kneeling and worshipping the stupa.

Cave 1 is an unfinished Chaityagraha, originally planned to have a double-storeyed verandah and a porch, apart from the pillared hall.
The cave is dated to 5th – 6th  century A.D. as the pillars with compressed cushion or amalaka top appear generally during this period.

Cave 11 is known as the Durbar Hall, or the Assembly Hall.
It consists of a huge hall with a front verandah.
There is a statue of the Buddha occupying the central place as in the case of idols in Hindu temples and also a number of cells for Buddhist monks.
The cave has four inscriptions of different periods. 

Cave 34 is a dark cell and has paintings of the Buddha on the ceiling.

Cave 41 has, besides other sculptures, a figure of the eleven headed Avalokiteshwara.

Cave 67 is a big cell, with the figure of Avalokiteshwara as savior flanked by two female figures in the verandah.
There are also images of the Buddha depicting the miracle of Sravasti.

Water System

Kanheri Caves had one of the best rainwater harvesting systems in the world.
The caves invariably contain a cistern for storing water.
There are 86 storage tanks with rock lids some of which have fallen inside and are too heavy to be lifted and placed back on the top.

Farther up the hill are the remains of an ancient water system, canals and cisterns that collected and channeled the rainwater into the huge tanks.

Recommendation Kanheri has some of the finest cave structures so close to Mumbai.

The site can be made a major tourist attraction – as popular as Elephanta and Karla Caves, but sincere efforts are required.

The 6 kms road leading to the Kanheri caves should be repaired and made safe for travellers.

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