Miscarriage of Justice – An Indian Bureaucrat's Diary https://binoygupta.com Share the life time experiences of a retired Indian Bureaucrat relating to travel and nature Wed, 17 Oct 2012 19:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Ashok Khemka IAS……..Right or Wrong https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/ashok-khemka-ias%e2%80%a6%e2%80%a6-right-or-wrong-502/ https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/ashok-khemka-ias%e2%80%a6%e2%80%a6-right-or-wrong-502/#comments Wed, 17 Oct 2012 16:04:26 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/?p=502 Read more ›]]> Ashok Khemka IAS……..Right or Wrong 

Yesterday evening, I watched Ashok Khemka live on TV.
I listened to the Panel Speakers, some eloquent, others less so.
So many people supported him. There was an avalanche of congratulatory sms and email messages.
The TV and the media turned him into a hero…..or did they?

Ashok Khemka
Ashok Khemka was born in West Bengal on 30 April 1965. He graduated from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1988. He is an IAS officer of the 1991 batch. His home cadre is Haryana

He has acquired several other degrees, including a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
In the absence of more details, I can only presume that he acquired these degrees during his service period..

He has been repeatedly transferred by various state governments  in Haryana –  to be precise….. 43 times in the last 19 years.


Conduct Rules
Being a senior and responsible officer, I am sure Ashok Khemka realises that there are rules and regulations which everyone, particularly the senior bureaucrats, have to follow:

1. Ashok Khemka found irregularities in the sale of of 3.531 acres of land in Shikohpur village at Manesar by Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra to the realty giant DLF. for Rs.58 crores. He ordered investigations.
2.  Presumably, as a result of this action, on October 11, 2012, three days after he initiated the probe into undervalued land deals between Vadra and DLF, Ashok Khemka was transferred as the D.G., Haryana Seed Development Corporation.

3.  However, before leaving office on October 15, 2012 Ashok Khemka cancelled the mutation of the 3.531 acre plot of land in Manesar-Shikohpur citing irregularities in the transfer of land by Vadra’s Sky Light Hospitality Private Limited to the real estate giant. He found that the land deal had signatures by an unauthorised Haryana official.

4. I am surprised that not a single panelist could fault this apparently illegal action…..
Honesty is only one of the criteria of a good governance…..following the law and implementing them are equally important.
No show cause appears to have been issued to the concerned parties.  The reason is Ashok Khemka simply did not have the time. Obviously, such frenzied action is wrong in law.

5.  Ashok Khemka was awarded ‘S R Jindal Prize – 2011’ prize which included cash of Rs. 10 Lakhs for ‘Crusade against Corruption’ along with Shri Sanjiv Chaturvedi for his fearless efforts in exposing corruption in high places. There are specific circulars prohibiting the acceptance of such rewards by bureaucrats.

6. Finally, the bureaucracy is expected to work in an anonymous manner. They can not vent their grievances in public, the way Ashok Khemka is doing. This way,  he lays himself open to various charges under the conduct rules.

And all this makes him highly vulnerable to victimisation……….


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Sanjiv Bhatt, Police and Politics https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/sanjiv-bhatt-police-and-politics-425/ https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/sanjiv-bhatt-police-and-politics-425/#comments Sun, 14 Aug 2011 03:17:14 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/?p=425 Read more ›]]>

Sanjiv Bhatt, Police and Politics.

I have just seen the following article on a popular website.
It is most distressing and dangerous.

IPS officer Sanjiv R. Bhatt suspended

Posted by: “Anjlee Pandya”
Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:54 pm (PDT)

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: votebank politics <votebankpolitics@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:11 PM
Subject: Mischievous and in-disciplined Gujarat cadre IPS officer Shri Bhatt
put under suspension

Mischievous and in-disciplined Gujarat cadre
IPS officer Shri Bhatt put under suspension

*1. Shri Sanjiv R. Bhatt *is an IPS officer of 1988 batch belonging to
Gujarat cadre, whose career since the beginning of his service has remained controversial. Because of his numerous acts of omissions, commissions, controversial actions and behaviour, he* has mostly remained in the sidelined posts. He is facing several department proceedings and criminal cases of serious nature. Even he has not been promoted as IGP though* his batch mates have been promoted long back.

2. At present he is in DIG rank and posted as Principal, SRP Training
Centre, Chawki, Sorath, Junagadh since 1st September, 2010. There are 340 Armed Police Recruits, who have been recruited with many efforts, are under training and passing through a crucial phase of their induction into the
State Police force. Yet Shri Bhatt didn’t find it fit enough to do his
duties at Junagadh.

3. Shri S. R. Bhatt, applied for ‘Half Pay Leave’ from 14.2.2011 to 8.4.2011
vide his application dated 9.2.2011. The DGP, Gujarat State informed him
vide fax message dated 12.2.2011 that leave as applied for by him was not
granted and, hence he should not proceed on leave. Ignoring the orders of
his DGP, Shri S. R. Bhatt informed the DGP, Gujarat State on 12.2.2011 that he has proceeded on sick leave from 11.2.2011 (after office hours) for 30 days enclosing a medical certificate certifying the illness of his mother.

4. The DGP, Gujarat State vide his letter dated 13.2.2011 informed Shri S.
R. Bhatt that appropriate decision on his leave application would be taken
after compliance of the certain points. Shri S. R. Bhatt again requested for
sick leave for 30 days along with contact details directly to the DGP office
on 13.2.2011. Despite *specific instructions from DGP, Gujarat State asking
him not to proceed on leave,* Shri S. R. Bhatt ignored such instructions and
remained unauthorizedly absent from duty from 12.2.2011 to till date. In the
interim, Shri S. R. Bhatt sent requests for extension of leave from time to
time but the DGP refused leave/ extension of leave on all such occasions and asked Shri S. R. Bhatt to report for duty. But Shri S. R. Bhatt ignored all
such instructions and orders from DGP, Gujarat State and remained/ continues to remain unauthorizedly absent from duty. *He has not resumed duties yet though more than 10 months has passed since he has been posted.* He has been making lame claims about his appearance before SIT and the Inquiry Commission, which any officer can do as a part of duty from any posting. Leave for such a long period is not a privilege and* no one can claim such privilege as a ‘matter of right’. *

5. Shri S. R. Bhatt’s *unauthorized absence from duty is a very serious kind
of misconduct*, not befitting a senior member of the IPS. The gravity of the
unauthorized absence from duty of Shri S. R. Bhatt becomes more serious for the reason that he is Principal of SRP Training Centre, Chawki, Sorath,
District Junagadh, where *new recruits are being trained and transformed in
a well-disciplined members of the police force; *by committing such
misconduct, Shri S. R. Bhatt *has set a very bad example of indiscipline and
insubordination before the new recruits.*

6. He was relieved of the additional charge of the post of DIG, Gram Rakshak Dal (GRD) vide Home Department’s Order dated 30.10.2010. Shri S. R. Bhatt was also instructed vide Order dated 30.10.2010 not to leave his official headquarter (SRP Training Centre, Chawki, Sorath, Junagadh) without prior permission of the DGP, Gujarat State. Despite this, Shri S. R. Bhatt left the headquarter without permission of DGP, Gujarat State and remained at his residence at Ahmedabad.

7. Without obtaining any permission from the Addl. DGP (Training), Shri S.
R. Bhatt performed his administrative duty from his residence at Ahmedabad and thereby indulged in the conduct unbecoming of a member of the IPS.

8. During 1.11.2010 to 20.12.2010, *he took the services of 30 employees of
SRP Training School as gunman and runner duty unauthorizedly at his
Ahmedabad residence,* which resulted in unnecessary financial burden of
salary and TA/ DA on Government exchequer. *During the unauthorized absence from duty, Shri S. R. Bhatt used Government vehicle with a driver from 12.2.2011 to 29.4.2011 at his residence at Ahmedabad i.e. outside his
official headquarter, for his personal work,* creating unnecessary financial
burden on State exchequer, in violation of Para-458(4) of the Gujarat Police
Manual Part-III.

9. Shri S. R. Bhatt *did not submit his E-Statements for the months of
September, October and November, 2010* to his higher authority in violation of Para-248 of the Gujarat Police Manual Part-III. *Shri S. R. Bhatt made a misleading entry in the Movement Diary on 10.11.2010 and 15.11.2010 showing his presence at the SRP Training Centre, Chawki, Sorath, Junagadh. *

10. From the Log Book and the statements of his driver, Vice Principal and
other staff of the SRP Training Centre, Chawki, Sorath, Junagadh, Shri S. R.
Bhatt was not present at the SRP Training Centre, Sorath, Junagadh on
10.11.2010 and 15.11.2010. *He created a false record of his presence at the SRP Training Centre, Chawki, Sorath, Junagadh*, which is a very serious matter amounting to lack of integrity and lack of devotion to duty.

11. Despite *his unauthorized stay at Ahmedabad, Shri S. R. Bhatt, in his
Movement Diary, mentioned that he remained at Ahmedabad from 1.11.2010 to 18.11.2010 for preparation of marathon. Participation in and preparation for marathon is not an official duty.* *He was not assigned any such duty for this event,* meaning thereby that Shri S. R. Bhatt, for his personal work, stayed at Ahmedabad and remained unauthorizedly absent from duty at the headquarter.

*12. Shri S. R. Bhatt did not write the Log Book for the Government vehicle
No.GJ 18-G.2361 for quite some time, in violation of Government instructions * in this regard as also in violation of of Para 499 (2) of the Gujarat Police Manual Part III. A Preliminary Inquiry was initiated against Shri S. R. Bhatt, for his unauthorized absence from the headquarter (Chawki, Sorath,Junagadh).

*13. Despite repeated instructions given on 22.12.2010, 23.12.2010,
28.12.2010, 8.2.2011, 11.2.2011, 13.2.2011, 14.2.2011, 7.3.2011, 21.3.2011and 22.3.2011 to remain present before the Preliminary Inquiry Officer* *(Shri Vinod Mall, IPS), he (Shri S. R. Bhatt) ignored the notices and did not remain present before the Preliminary Inquiry Officer.* After giving
sufficient opportunity to Shri Bhatt and after conducting inquiry by a
senior officer like Shri V. K. Mall, a report was submitted to the DGP,
Gujarat State.

*14. During his tenure in the Gram Rakshak Dal, he (Shri S. R. Bhatt) used
five Government vehicles unauthorizedly. Even after getting relieved from
the charge of the post under the Gram Rakshak Dal on 30.10.2010, he
continued to retain one vehicle of Gram Rakshak Dal (Ambassador Car
No.GJ.3-G-341) with him unauthorizedly. *

*15. He took away two laptops, one multi-media projector, one computer, one cell-phone with SIM-card, two digital video cameras and one lawn mower from the office of the Gram Rakshak Dal to his residence, *which were not returned till the Preliminary Inquiry started on 1.5.2011.

16. Looking into the inquiry report and the continuous disobedience by Shri
Sanjiv Bhatt is a serious misconduct and under AIS Conduct & Discipline
Rules, it attracts a major penalty. In this circumstance and having regard
to the above-mentioned several serious acts of commission and omission and conduct unbecoming of a senior member of the IPS, after careful
consideration, *Shri S. R. Bhatt, IPS has been placed under suspension* on
8/8/2011, in exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 3(1) of the All India
Service (Discipline & Appeals) Rules, 1969.

I have never met Sanjiv Bhatt.
In terms of service, he is junior to me by 20 years. I was offered the Indian Police Service, but I joined the Indian Revenue Service for the simple reason my mother did not like the idea of my joining the police force.
But Sanjiv Bhatt’s conduct is hardly something which can be justified by any one – either morally or legally.

Members of the All India Services – the IAS and the IPS are a privileged lot. They are appointed by the Central Government and allotted to a particular state. They draw their salaries and allowances from that state. Even though they enjoy certain safeguards against dismissal, etc., they are under the day to day administrative control of the concerned state.

Of late, IPS officers like Sanjiv Bhatt have been mixing up politics with their official duties, hogging the media and making all kinds of allegations.

Serving officers should not address the media unless the conduct rules permit them to do so. Of course, they can and should approach the High Courts and Supreme Court, wherever necessary.

The several allegations in the above paragraphs against Sanjiv Bhatt are prima facie sufficient to justify disciplinary against him. He must remember that if he himself is thoroughly indisciplined, how can he expect, demand and get unsquinted obedience from his subordinates.
They will behave in the same irresponsible manner and the system would collapse.
And if the allegations are correct, no court can support his stand.

First, before fighting against the State, Sanjiv Bhatt or any other officer himself should be clean in all respects.
Otherwise, he will end up a hapless loser the same way as Baba Ramdev.

Sanjiv Bhatt, you are treading on dangerous turf.
You will end up a sad loser.
And in the end, it will be your wife and children who will suffer.

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Magistrate and Train Travel https://binoygupta.com/bombay-high-court/magistrate-and-train-travel-348/ https://binoygupta.com/bombay-high-court/magistrate-and-train-travel-348/#comments Sun, 16 Jan 2011 08:20:26 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/?p=348 Read more ›]]> Supreme Court on Standard of conduct Expected from Judicial Officers

This is a bizarre story of a high handed lady magistrate in Mumbai who travelled in local travels in Mumbai without paying for her tickets.

Arundhati Ashok Walavalkar was appointed a Metropolitan Magistrate in Bombay on 28.5.1992.
She travelled between Mulund and Dadar on First Class.
She was caught by the Railway Ticket Checkers on at least three occasions.

She behaved offensively with the Railway officials.
The Railway authorities reported the matter to the Bombay High Court.
The High Court found her guilty of ticketless travel and compulsorily retired her on 27 September 2000.

The matter went up to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court decided against her

in CIVIL APPEAL NO. 6966 OF 2004




Order Passed by: Dr. MUKUNDAKAM SHARMA, J.
Date of Order: 13 January 2011 

The Supreme Court observed:

“1. This appeal was filed by the appellant herein being aggrieved by the judgment and order passed by the Division Bench of the Bombay High Court dismissing the writ petition filed by the appellant herein.

“3. The allegation against the appellant was that she had travelled without tickets on 21.2.1997, 13.5.1997 and also on 5.12.1997 when she was caught. The charges here not only related to such incidents of ticketless travelling but also about misusing her official identity card and for making unnecessary scene on the Railway platform and giving threats to the Railway staff which was considered to be misconduct unbecoming of a judicial officer as per Rule 3(iii) of the Maharashtra Civil Services Conduct Rules, 1979.

“21. In this connection, we may also refer to a letter written by her on 8.12.1997 to  the General Manager, Central Railway, Mumbai. The said letter was admittedly written by her and it reads as follows:-

“I would like to mention to you that sometimes, I am required

to enter into your local Trains to reach my Court in time, as the

vehicle given to us is a pooling one which takes a very long

time due to unexpected traffic on the roads or break downs.

During such occasions, I am unable to buy tickets because of

short of time and consequently it had happened so, that I had

to face your nagging ticket collectors. Your lady ticket

collectors at Dadar instead of understanding our difficulties

have further harassed us in the most insulting manner and

this has left a deed scar in our mind. If you care to know how

nasty your people could be, you may depute a representative

to whom we can explain the facts.

I am aware that the Metropolitan Magistrates handling the

matters of any railway police station on central line get first

class free pass right from Nagpur to Igapturi. Even the staff

attached to such Magistrates also get free passes. We also

attend to the work of railways on Saturdays, Sundays and

holidays. Are we therefore, not entitled, at least to stand in

the first class compartments of local trains only for the

purpose of reaching our Courts in time during such

emergencies ? Please do the needful in this matter urgently

by giving necessary instructions to the ticket collectors so that

we are not humiliated by your ticket collectors on this count

and made to pay fine.

If you are of the negative opinion, that even this little courtesy

cannot be extended to us, please communicate to me, so that I

am prepared for such eventualities. Your early response

would be highly appreciated.”
“29. …..This is the case of judicial officer who was required to conduct herself with dignity and manner becoming of a judicial officer. A judicial officer must be able to discharge his/her responsibilities by showing an impeccable conduct. In the instant case, she not only travelled without tickets in a railway compartment thrice but also complained against the ticket collectors who accosted her, misbehaved with the Railway officials and in those circumstances we do not see how the punishment of compulsory retirement awarded to her could be said to be disproportionate to the offence alleged against her. In a country governed by rule of law, nobody is above law, including judicial officers. In fact, as judicial officers, they have to present a continuous aspect of dignity in every conduct. If the rule of law is to function effectively and efficiently under the aegis of our democratic setup, Judges are expected to, nay, they must nurture an efficient and enlightened judiciary by presenting themselves as a role model. Needless to say, a Judge is constantly under public glaze and society expects higher standards of conduct and rectitude from a Judge. Judicial office, being an office of public trust, the society is entitled to expect that a Judge must be a man of high integrity, honesty and ethical firmness by maintaining the most exacting standards of propriety in every action. Therefore, a judge’s official and personal conduct must be in tune with the highest standard of propriety and probity. Obviously, this standard of conduct is higher than those deemed acceptable or obvious for others. Indeed, in the instant case, being a judicial officer, it was in her best interest that she carries herself in a decorous and dignified manner. If she has deliberately chosen to depart from these high and exacting standards, she is appropriately liable for disciplinary action.

30. We fully agree with the conclusions arrived at by the disciplinary authority……..”

Well said and well decided.
The Magistrate has been rightly punished.
But the public expects the same standards from their political leaders…leaders who lead the nation’s destiny.

Such leaders should never say they are innocent till proved guilty.
If the needle of suspicion – supported by loss to the nation, loss to the public is ever raised, they should be thrown over board.

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Supreme Court errrs not once, twice, but thrice https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/supre-court-errrs-not-once-twice-but-thrice-303/ https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/supre-court-errrs-not-once-twice-but-thrice-303/#comments Mon, 26 Apr 2010 16:51:26 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/?p=303 Read more ›]]> The Supreme Court of India errs – not once, twice, but thrice.
It takes the Supreme Court a fourth attempt to get it right.

Supreme Court of India New Delhi, April 22, 2010

From the highest to the lowest, from the most intelligent to the greatest duffer on earth, any one can make mistakes.
Most of us do make mistakes.

After all, to err is human.
But to accept a mistake and correct it is divine.

In this glaring case of unprecedented injustice, the Supreme Court Judges made serious mistakes, not once, but three times. As a result, three innocent persons languished in jail for several months.

October 1991

In October 1991, a Sessions Court in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh convicted Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir (along with four others  – Sugar Singh, Laxman, Onkar and Ramesh) and sentenced them to 6 years imprisonment on charges of rioting and culpable homicide not amounting to murder.

January 2003

The eight convicts appealed to the Gwalior bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court In January 2003, the High Court acquitted all the accused.

The Madhya Pradesh Government accepted the acquittal of Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir; but filed appeal before the Supreme Court against the acquittal of the other four.

November 7, 2008

A bench of the Supreme Court comprising Justices Arijit Pasayat, C.K. Thakker and L.S. Panta set aside the High Court order and held all the eight accused guilty in the case, even though

  • The Madhya Pradesh High Court had acquitted  Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir;
  •  The Madhya Pradesh Government had accepted the verdict and had not filed any appeal against it, and
  • The issue relating to these four persons – Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir – was not before the Supreme Court (Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir were not even parties to the case).

Bhoja, Pooran and Balvir surrendered and were put back inside the jail.

March 9, 2010

Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir  filed a review petition for reconsideration of the matter. The matter went to the same bench, which through another quirk of fate, released the four other persons instead of Bhoja, Pooran, Balvir and Raghuvir.

April 20, 2010

On April 20, Aftab Ali Khan, Advocate for the four accused pointed out the mistake to a bench comprising of  the Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and three senior most judges, Justices S H Kapadia, Altamas Kabir and R V Raveendran. The Bench promised to examine the matter in May.

April 22, 2010

This matter was widely reported by the media.
In an unprecended move, the Bench comprising of the Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan and three senior  most judges, Justices S H Kapadia, Altamas Kabir and R V Raveendran, convened on an urgent basis, called the lawyers and passed order  “acquitting” Bhoja, Puran and Balbir, who had been languishing in jail due to two wrong consecutive orders passed by the Supreme Court in November 2008 and March 2010.

My humble request

At last a serious error has been corrected and justice has been done to the accused. Or has it been done ?

**    Was it not the duty of the Govt. prosecution to point out on each occasion that the courts orders were wrong, that wrong persons were being sent to jail ?

***  Was it not the duty of the Judges to do their home work ?

*** Was it not the duty of the Present Bench of the Supreme Court  to award damages on their own ?

Do the Supreme Court judges really expect the poor accused to engage in one more round of litigation for damages. Would they have the money and energy to file a case at all.

The Supreme Court should have been magnanimous to award damages to the wronged persons. They can pay such damages from the funds of the Supreme Court or direct the Govt. to pay the same.

But in my humble view, the Supreme Court should award the damages.
That is the least they can do now to rectify all the wrongs done.

Dr. Binoy Gupta, Retd. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Chennai

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Haryana ex-DGP S P S Rathore Convicted https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/haryana-ex-dgp-s-p-s-rathore-convicted-299/ https://binoygupta.com/current-issues/haryana-ex-dgp-s-p-s-rathore-convicted-299/#comments Mon, 28 Dec 2009 17:07:52 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/current-issues/haryana-ex-dgp-s-p-s-rathore-convicted-299/ Read more ›]]> It took the legal system 19 years and 400 hearings

to convict and sentence the former DGP to 6

months imprisonment and fine of Rs. 1000 for

molesting a teen……..who was driven to commit


S S Rathore, (who retired as Director General of Police, Haryana) then a senior police officer and President of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association molested Ruchika Girhotra, a 14-year-old tennis player in August 1990. She committed suicide in 1993.The following is the sequence of events:

AUG 11, 1990
S S Rathore, then Deputy Inspector General of Police, Haryana and President of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association visits Ruchika Girhotra’s house at noon.
He persuades her father, S C Girhotra, a bank manager, not to send Ruchika to Canada.
Promises special training for the teenager.
Asks her father to tell Ruchika to visit his office-cum residence the next day.

AUG 12, 1990
Ruchika and her friend Aradhana visit Rathore’s office-cum-residence in Panchkula (10 km from Chandigarh).
Rathore asks Aradhana to fetch the coach.
Aradhana returns to find Rathore molesting Ruchika.
On seeing her, Rathore lets go Ruchika, who rushes out of the room.
Rathore asks Aradhana to talk to Ruchika and that “he would do whatever she would say”.
Considering Rathore’s powerful position, the two teen age girls decide not to talk about the incident to their parents,

AUG 14, 1990
Ruchika and Aradhana go to the tennis court.
Rathore calls Ruchika again to his office.
This time, the girls decide to share it with the parents.
Ruchika confides in Aradhana’s mother, Madhu Parkash.

AUG 15, 1990
Both families, along with parents of other trainees of the Haryana Lawn Tennis Association hand over a written complaint to Home Secretary J S Duggal.
The Chief Minister marks it to then DGP R R Singh.

AUG 26, 1990
The DGP summons Rathore.
In retaliation, Rathore arranges 45-50 hoodlums who raise slogans against Ruchika and smash the window panes of her house.

SEPT 3, 1990
DGP’s report finds the allegations true, recommends registration of case and investigation by CID.

MARCH 11, 1991
Change of government brings in a new DGP, RK Hooda,
He too recommends departmental action against Rathore.
Government agrees that an FIR can be registered against Rathore.
The case is transferred to the Chief Secretary.

AUG 12, 1992
First of the six auto theft FIRs is registered against Ruchika’s brother, Ashu.

OCT 23, 1993
 Ruchika’s brother, Ashu is arrested, kept in custody for two months.
He is beaten up in custody and one day taken to his house, where Ruchika is told that her father would meet the same fate if she did not withdraw the complaint.

DEC 28, 1993
Ruchika consumes poison, dies next day.
Her brother Ashu is released.
JAN 1994
Government withdraws all charges against Rathore.

APRIL 1997
Ruchika’s brother Ashu is discharged from all theft cases.

NOV 1997
Aradhana’s mother files a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
A year later, the High Court directs CBI to conduct an inquiry.
DEC 1999
The Supreme Court upholds the order of High Court.

JAN 2000
 The CBI files charge sheet against Rathore, recommends his removal in the interest of “free and fair deposition”.

JULY 2002
Rathore retires as DGP.

NOV 2009
The Case is transferred to CBI Chandigarh.

DEC 11, 2009
On Monday, 21st December 2009 the special CBI court in Chandigarh sentences , S.P.S. Rathore to six months imprisonment and fine of Rs. 1,000.

The family was harassed so much that after Ruchika’s deatgm it shifted from Panchkula to an undisclosed location.

Authors note 

Ø  What is surprising is that not only successive governments did not take any action against Rathore, but promoted him.

Ø  During the pendency of the case, Rathore was promoted by successive governments in Haryana, till he became DGP and retired in 2002 as the Director General of Police.

Ø  He was also awarded the Police Medal in 1985.

Ø  According to Lawyer Pankaj Bhardwaj, who has been fighting the case free of cost for the last 13 years. “Rathore’s atrocities over Ruchika’s family forced the innocent girl to commit suicide”.

Ø  Only now the Home ministry has issued show cause notices on S.P.S. Rathore, in an attempt to strip off the medal and also for reduction of his pension owing to the gruesome crime he committed. 

Chief Justice of India

I hate people who are now saying that they tried to help in the case, but at that time remained silent spectators.
They could then have leaked the information to the media and appropriate action would have been taken.

Does not this case call for suo moto action ?

This is my humble request to you.. 

Dr. Binoy Gupta
Retd. Chief Commissioner of Income Tax

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Capital Punishment https://binoygupta.com/public-issues/capital-punishment-269/ https://binoygupta.com/public-issues/capital-punishment-269/#comments Tue, 07 Jul 2009 16:48:14 +0000 http://binoygupta.com/public-issues/capital-punishment-269/ Read more ›]]>
Hanged….what if he was innocent
Capital Punishment is an extremely controversial subject.
When ever a heinous crime is committed which enrages the general public, the outrage is understandingly very strong calling for the capital punishment.
All countries in the world had capital punishment in their legal systems.
But most of them are abolishing it.

Britain had capital punishment for more than 200 offences – including some extremely trivial offences.
Two centuries ago, in 1808, Sir Samuel Romilly introduced reforms to abolish the death penalty for some of the capital offences in what he termed England’s “Bloody Code”.
Finally, the entire European Union totally abolished capital punishment for all offences.

Today, 135 countries have abolished the death penalty, in law or practice.                                                                                                 
In 2006, 1591 persons were executed in 25 countries.
Unfotunately, 91 per cent of these executions were carried out in six countries – China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan and the USA.

Apart from the unfortunate fact, that time and again, innocent persons have been convicted, and even executed, there is no evidence to show that execution has ever deterred crime.

is surprising that even today USA, Japan and even India have retained capital punishment.

Hon’ble Justice V. R. Krishna Iyer of the Supreme Court is convinced that India in its penological reform from Macaulay to Mahatma will wipe out the bloodstained sentence of judicial verdict.    
                     Cover Page 

I have done considerable study of this subject.
I have written a book  Hanged ….What if he was Innocent  
which is being published through Booksurge of U.S., a subsidiary
of Amazon.com in September 2009.

This book is a fictionalised study of our more than two centuries experimentation with capital punishment – packed with facts and laws. You can not come to a correct conclusion about the correctness of capital punishment unless you know the facts …………………….

This book is a mine of factual information about Capital Punishment.
Read it and arrive at your own conclusion.

https://binoygupta.com/public-issues/capital-punishment-269/feed/ 2