Canivorous Plants……..
Carnivorous Plants are exremely fascinating. They do not stalk and hunt prey like the larger animals, but have remarkable adaptations to attract, capture and digest their prey.
After more than three years of searching, I have succeeded in getting my first carnivorous plants. Here is the picture of my Winged Pitcher Plant.
I think it is Nepenthes Alata but I am not sure.
It has adopted my home and is growing very well.
It has thrown out several beautiful pitchers…
It has two wings and a cap. It looks like an angel…..
I will add more photographs on my blog.
Fantastic sir, i too have been looking for a CP for a long time now. after looking at this pic i feel i might finally reached my goal of securing one for myself. can you direct me to some source for CP
i am also interested in Carnivorous Plants. Is it grow in hot climate tamilnadu?. If so pl. direct me to get the same.
Thanking you
Very amazing, if you do not mind, may I have few seeds of those pants (Winged Pitcher Plant & Venus Fly Trap)?
Id like to have few cps , I prefer vft b52 species ,
Dear Sir
I had paid a hefty amount as part payment to a builder in Hyderabad.As there is no progress(its around 2 yrs) and no response I am getting from the builder I want to cancell the booking & get back the money.Can I file in consumer court.
Kindly advice as I am staying in Mumbai & case has to be filed in hyderabad what are other mode of filing in cdistrict consumer court as amount invilve is less than 20 lacs.
kindly advice in e mail bhaba.mishra@sbt.co.in
You have to find out some local lawyer of Hyderabad to do the paper work, filing and appearances.
Ask some friend, if any in Hyderabad, or search on the net.